Compaq Presario 702NA Notebook PC Repair |
Have you been surfing the web for a notebook repairing
company which can offer you outstanding and effective
Compaq Presario 702NA notebook PC repair services?
Well, you've reached the right place! London Laptop Troubleshooters is a company based in London. We offer
efficient and low-cost Compaq Presario 702NA notebook
PC repair and part replacement services. We can give
you a complete solution package for all your Compaq
Presario notebook related issues.
We offer you excellent and quality services for all
your Compaq Presario 702NA notebook PCs. Our services
include the repair and replacement of CD/DVD drives,
CDRWs, keyboards, LCD screens, floppy drives, dim
backlights, hard drives, power sockets, inverters,
failed cooling fans, motherboards, DC power jacks, AC
adapters, and many other components. We also provide
suitable replacements for faulty screen cables.
In addition to repair and replacement services, we
make available to you services such as upgradation and
installation of operating systems, installation of
software and hardware, virus removal, data recovery,
password removal, data transfer and so on.
Here at London Laptop Troubleshooters, we have a group of
highly skilled and sophisticated workers. You can
consult our professionals if you need any advice on
notebook care and maintenance. We charge only very
reasonable rates for our Compaq Presario 702NA
notebook PC repair and part replacement services.
We also extend our services to other branded notebooks
such as Asus, Alienware, Apple, Sharp, NEC, Panasonic,
Packard Bell, Hitachi, Dell, Toshiba, Sony, Samsung,
Gateway, Fujitsu, Gadget, IBM Lenovo, Acer, and Sharp.
We are always ready to give you technical support.
If you need our Compaq Presario 702NA notebook PC
repair and part replacement services, please do get in
touch with laptop repair companyon the phone number
020 7237 6805 or drop a line to repairs@alertnetworks.co.uk.